The most powerful spells in the game

There are some amazing spells you can wield in Hogwarts Legacy, and some of them have the power to wipe out your opponents with a single flick of your wrist. While there are spells that are used to solve puzzles or tame the various fantastic monsters in the game, the most exciting spells to use are the most powerful fighting spells.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: List of the best spells

Since there is no easy way to know exactly how much damage each spell will do, it can be difficult to know which one is the best fit for the situation. But don’t worry, we’ve done our research. Here are the ten most powerful spells in the game.


10 Crucio

Crucio being cast

Crucio is ranked tenth. When you cast this Unforgivable Curse on an enemy, it will drain the enemy’s health over time. It will also make that enemy, and any other cursed enemies, take more damage from your attacks.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: How to Unlock the Cruciatus Curse [Crucio]

When upgrading, Crucio will also cause a Basic Cast attack to bounce off the cursed enemy onto other enemies. This makes every flick of your wand go further, and can really help with crowd control since sometimes you’re fighting dozens of enemies at once.

9 depelso

Depulso throws at the enemy

The most powerful and beneficial power spell, Depulso will send a blast of energy to your enemy. This can send an individual enemy flying off the side of a cliff, or throw them at their comrades, causing everyone to get hit.

The initial blast hitting the target enemy is modestly powerful, but the damage can build up depending on how far it’s thrown, or what it’s thrown at. And if you end up throwing them off a high ledge or cliff, it can be an instant kill.

8 Defendo

Diffindo throws in the doll

One of the most satisfying damage spells is Diffindo. When cast, it will send a magical blow through the air towards your enemy. As you storm it, you will deal significant damage and push it back.

When upgraded, this spell really packs a punch. If Diffindo is thrown at closely grouped enemies, it will pierce them all, dealing high damage to all of them at once. It also pairs well with other spells like Glacius, which freezes enemies in place, making them easier to shatter, and KO with a simple combo.

7 confringo

Confringo is thrown at the enemy floating

Not surprisingly, another damage-type spell makes this list. Confringo will send a lightning bolt of fire at an enemy when cast. This does some high initial damage, but will also temporarily set the enemy on fire. This is especially useful when casting at enemies that are weak to fire, such as spiders and cobwebs.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: The best upgrades and talents to improve Confringo

When upgrading, Confringo also has the ability to hit more than one enemy. When the initial blast hits the target enemy, two small balls of fire will bounce off them and search for the enemies closest to them.

6 stupid

Throw stupid at the enemy

Unlike previous spells on this list, Stupify cannot be equipped and cast freely. Alternatively, you can only cast it when blocking and countering an enemy’s attack. You’ll start by casting Protego which creates a temporary shield around you. Casting it just before the blocking attack hits you and then holding it down will allow you to dodge the attack by firing Stupify at the enemy.

Depending on the type of enemy, Stupify can demolish its health bar in one hit, especially at higher levels. And if they are not eliminated, it will perform its basic function and disable them temporarily. The length of this spell can also be upgraded as you level up. Due to the number of times you block and parry, you will be casting this spell more often. And the best part is that there are no slowdowns or restrictions on who can influence.

5 Bombarda

Throws bombardment at the enemy

The strongest damage spells, Bombarda makes quick work of even the toughest enemies. When cast, it will fire a blast of energy at the enemy and create an explosion that can send them and any enemies close to you.

On its own, this spell is extremely powerful and often kills weaker enemies in combat with one hit. But it is certainly more effective when it is put together. Once Accio is upgraded, you will be able to pull multiple enemies towards you at once, temporarily immobilizing them in the air. Follow that up with Bombarda, and they’ll be wiped out.

4 Throw out the old magic

The ancient magic of throwing the barrel

Using ancient magic isn’t something any wizard or wizard can do, and it’s part of what makes you so special in this story. This ability will unlock you early in the game, making it one of the most powerful and useful spells at your disposal right away.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: A Guide to Ancient Magic

When casting, it will pick up nearby objects and throw them at the target enemy. Depending on the thing you’re holding, this can do moderate to severe damage. Throwing a barrel or chest at an enemy will take away a third to half of their health and bounce them back while throwing an explosive barrel or anvil at them can often kill them instantly. Unlike most spells, you don’t need to equip this one to use it. As long as there are objects that can be cast nearby, you can continue to cast this spell as often as you like.

3 Petrificus totalis

Throwing Petrificus Totalis at the enemy

The only stealth-based spell on the list, Petrificus Totalis can be cast when you’re sneaking up behind an enemy that isn’t detected. Once you are close enough to them, you will get a prompt to cast the spell. When it connects, it will KO the enemy instantly.

This spell is most effective when combined with the Disappointment spell, which allows you to become almost invisible. Petrificus Totalis’ effects can also be upgraded, allowing you to strike multiple enemies with a single flick of your wand, as long as they are close enough to the target enemy. When used correctly, you can effectively sneak around the battlefield and eliminate every enemy without being detected.

2 ancient magic

Ancient magic lightning

Your most powerful ancient magic ability, this attack will kill most enemies in one hit in a variety of ways. Sometimes you’ll turn a puck into a chicken, completely taking them out of a fight. Other times, it will create a blast of energy inside an enemy’s chest, causing it to explode into colored pieces. But the most impressive form this attack takes is when it fires a massive bolt of lightning.

This magic attack acts as a finishing move and is limited in its use based on the magic in your ancient magic meter. As you progress through the game, you will eventually be able to increase the number of uses by completing puzzles in the Highlands outside Hogwarts.

1 Avada kedavra

Avada Kedavra strikes an enemy

The most terrible and unforgivable curses are Avada Kedavra. It’s called the killing curse for good reason – it will kill any enemy with just one hit, making it the most powerful spell in the game. Not only will this spell instantly kill your usual dark wizard, spider, or goblin enemy, it will also kill larger enemies like trolls.

There are only a couple of enemies that can dodge this attack, but they are usually boss enemies and they are few and far between. The only drawback is that it comes with a long cooldown, but you’ll usually save it for the strongest enemy in the group, so you won’t really notice.

Next: Hogwarts Legacy: What Happens If You Use Dark Magic?


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